About Us

About Us

Felix is a proven leader in the water industry with over 30 years of experience, education and training to help professionals and organizations achieve their goals. Beginning his career in operations and advancing through the ranks to the executive level as a general manager, he understands the technical intricacies of water treatment and distribution, as well as, industry issues to meet regulatory compliance at the state and federal level.

Felix is proactive in regional water management, partaking in water advisory councils and boards. In these roles, he represents agency interests, while collaborating and developing partnerships with other water agencies to identify regional water issues and engages in strategic planning. Felix uses every opportunity to educate stakeholders about the challenges and advantages of Best Available Technology (BAT) regarding treatment techniques as applied to surface water, groundwater and desalinization.

Felix is certified by the State of California as a Grade 5 in Water Treatment and Grade 5 in Distribution.

Throughout his career, Felix has worked with local, regional, state, and federal regulatory bodies, such as, the State Water Resources Control Board, US Bureau of Reclamation, DWR, Regional Water Quality Control Board and LAFCO. He has significant experience with regulatory compliance developing policies and practices that support compliance.

Felix graduated Summa Cum Laude from San Diego State University with a Bachelor and Masters of Arts degree in Engineering and Public Administration. During his graduate studies he became a member of Pi Alpha Alpha’s Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration, as well as, membership in the Golden Key International Honor Society.